First day of kindergarten

Reunited And It Feels So Good!

We're back!

A New School Year at Brooke

The 2021-2022 school year is officially underway at Brooke! In such challenging times, we are grateful to unite in-person as a community to grow the joy and learning that our kids deserve.

We started this year as we do every year, emphasizing teacher preparation and great teaching. New staff members joined us in July for specialized professional development to explore what great teaching looks like at Brooke, with returning staff members joining a few weeks later. In the first weeks of school, our incredible teachers are focused on creating strong cultures in their classrooms and learning the individual needs of their scholars.


Supporting Student Success

Early Teacher Preparation

Our teachers return a few weeks before the first day of school for professional development. This invaluable time gives our teachers the opportunity to set a foundation for rigorous instruction and cultures of achievement for the year

A Longer School Year

Our model has always included a longer school day and school year. This extra learning time will be especially impactful this year; our students will spend about 30% more time in school than students who attend Boston Public Schools.

A Laser Focus on Great Teaching

We define great teaching as ensuring that every student is both challenged and known. Before the first day of school, families met with their scholars' teachers, since a close relationship with family is an intrinsic part of deeply knowing a scholar. Teachers and scholars begin the year building strong classroom cultures where every scholar is held to high expectations and classes work through challenging problems together.

Keeping our community safe with

COVID-19 Safety Measures

All Brooke staff are required to be fully vaccinated, a critical step to ensure our community’s safety. We will also implement the following safety precautions:

  • Universal Mask Wearing
  • Strong Building Ventilation
  • Hand Hygiene
  • At-home Health Screening
  • Quarantine Protocols